Egg Pick Up #3.

Yesterday was our 3rd Egg Pick Up and it went as well as we could have hoped. 4 little eggs which is the most we have ever got and I got the call this morning to say 3 of them had fertilized over night which was great news. At this stage we are heading for a 3 day transfer on Thursday, hoping they are good enough quality to make it that far.

I was a little nervous before the procedure yesterday which I think is only normal but overall it was at least nice to know what to expect. Everything went smoothly and while I felt a bit ‘spacey’ for most of the day and was a bit sore, really nothing to complain about. I managed to watch and entire season of Sex and the City which was actually fitting given it was the episodes where Charlotte is going through IVF. The nurse who looked after me in recovery said she had a positive feeling that she wouldn’t be seeing me again so I hope that’s a good omen.

Today I had to start the horrible Crinone pessaries + 2x Prognova tablets morning and night + the scary Progesterone in Oil injections. I’m not exactly thrilled to be back on them but I’m will to do whatever it takes to get our little miracle. This weekend is another long weekend and we are heading to Phillip Island for some RnR with lots of relaxing time reading and walking on the beach. I’m hoping that’s exactly what this little embryo need to stick (assuming transfer goes ahead on Thursday).

Not too much more to report at this stage other than feeling ‘cautiously hopeful’. Keep everything crossed for me!!!

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